
Monday, May 20, 2013

I cannot be friends with someone who is petty.

I like to joke.

I'm a boy. Seriously, I have a dick. WOULD YOU EVEN BELIEVE THAT?

I'm obviously kidding. I don't know why whenever I forget to put a 'just kidding' behind something 'rude'/'nasty'/'inappropriate', people would think I am trying to offend them. No, I am not, I am just kidding.

For example, "I don't know if you're telling the truth." Reaction of person: WTF? YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME? I'M LYING?!

If it was, "I don't know if you're telling the truth xD jkjk", it would make a fucking difference. Why?! WHY?

To the person who I think may be petty, you have to chill. You indirectly scolded me on twitter right away when you know I am fucking following you. FOR GOD'S SAKE, CHILL. I'M JUST SAYING FOR FUN. Maybe it's because you don't know my personality, you're not super close to me, that's why you think I am trying to offend you.

If that's so, then I would learn my lesson and know that you are a petty person which can't take silly jokes. I won't ever DARE to say a joke anymore to you because if I did, you may just fucking RAGE on twitter.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Review: JuJu Jellies (Maxi)

"JuJu 'Maxi' Jelly Shoes are made in Northampton, our materials are sourced in England and are recyclable." - Source: http://www.jujushoes.co.uk/

When I received my JuJu Jellies from TopShop (one of their stockists), I was jumping all over the place. The quality of the shoe is amazing. It is man-made in England even until now (they've been manufactured for more than 25 years).

I bought them at SGD$49 with free shipping (as I bought together with my friends).