
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Penny Board Adventures (Not yet!)

Hi guys!

I wanted to buy a penny board since like forever? But when there was a sale at Cineleisure Boards & Stuff (a few weeks ago), I actually forgot my PIN number (lmfao slap my head).

So, when I got home, I went to the official Penny Board site and customized my own penny board, when I got to the check out page, Singapore is not in the 'country' tab. They don't ship to Singapore. -heartbreaks- 

And therefore, after thinking about whether is the customized one or pre-made one better, I finally decided, it's okay, I'll get the pre-made one.

Today, I went online to search "Penny Board Singapore". I found two stockists in Singapore.

One - Black and White Trading (official stockists! They are on the Penny website.)
Two - Qoo10

Black and White Trading sells the authentic Penny board: costs $175 and UP. Tons of good reviews are on Youtube and blogs. And it's been confirmed that the plastic WILL NOT BREAK even with a car rolling on it. (I was uber uber uber shocked when I saw so many videos of people doing that to their Penny board)

Qoo10 sells the cheaper version of it, well, from the photos, you know it's pretty hardcore copied. It costs: $32.90 and UP Same, tons and tons of good reviews on it.

I don't really skateboard. I cycle and roller-skate. But I wanna try and learn to skateboard.

I love trying new things.

My dream Penny board:

Costs: US$120 with free shipping but faaaark they don't ship to Singapore.

The Penny Board I have on mind:
Costs: SGD$120 (really worth it because they're having sales now)

Grip tapes I have on mind:

I want a contrasting colour to my Penny. The black one is obviously really matching but the tie dye one seems really really cool and trippy but I'm not sure whether it matches with the Penny I'm planning to get.

The grip tapes cost $15 each (omfg right I feel like getting a normal grip tape and cut it out myself)

--Update: The tie-dye grip tape isn't available anymore. So I think I'm getting a blue grip tape because I think orange and blue matches very well.--

I told my mother about buying it myself with my own money (Yes I saved up for it!) But she roaaaaared at me. Nah, I mean, she doesn't want me to waste my money. But, I have never skateboarded before. I mean, in life we should enjoy our time sometimes right? I told her the penny board is a very durable board and even fat people can ride on it, even cars can roll on it. She's still shaking her head in disapproval. Man. :-(

But, when I told her, I'll get it after my examinations, she said yes!

Oh. That's why she doesn't want me to get it...

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